Cosmos Wide Web

Accessibility | Usability | Performance | Simplicity

  • IntroOpen or Close

    Little fun with the past and the future

  • AboutOpen or Close

    Front End: is the part of the web that you can see and interact with.

    Front-End development of web and users application with knowledge of the latest, leading edge technologies and their specific application for a clients need. We emphasize on simplicity, usability, performance and accessibility.

  • WorkOpen or Close

    Definition and Nature of the Work

    Front-end designers are responsible for creating the look and feel of World Wide Web pages for a client's site or application. This involves developing a graphic design that effectively communicates the ideas being promoted by the Web site. A front-end designer may take part in the initial planning of a site, meeting with the client to discuss ideas for the layout and organization of the site, the types of colors or images to use (photos, illustrations, videos, etc.), and other matters concerning overall graphic design. Sometimes a web producer has already developed a basic concept for the page. In this case it is the front-end designer's task to create a design that matches the producer's ideas.

    Once the basic concept is agreed upon, the front-end designer must collect the text documents and images that will appear on the page and convert them into a form in which they can be viewed. This requires a mastery of HTML (hypertext markup language), the computer language used to create web pages. The designer must also have knowledge of the most current HTML extensions—programs that make it possible to add special features to web pages such as animations and interactive surveys. Because a Web site may incorporate a variety of different functions, including clickable e-mail contacts or the ability to download files to a computer, application function and more, the designer must have a working knowledge of FTP (file transfer protocol) and other programs that enable these functions to work.

    Part of the front-end designer's task is to create pages that can be used on any type of server (a central computer in a network that stores files and provides these files to individual computers) and viewed with any type of browser (the software that enables people to access the World Wide Web). To do this, a web designer must be familiar with issues of browser/server compatibility, including which browsers and servers work well together and which ones do not. In addition, the designer must know computer languages such as Javascript, which can be used to create web pages that are compatible with a wide range of hardware and software.